I am a Lecturer in Clinical Psychology in the School of Health in Social Science and a Fellow of the Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Insecurity and the Global Health Academy at the University of Edinburgh. I am a Clinical Psychologist who has been working as a researcher and clinician with a wide range of complex clinical problems working in multidisciplinary projects and in translational and applied research. I am currently working in international and interdisciplinary research teams expanding my orientation from a local to a global mental health perspective prioritising investigation of contextual risk factors through partnerships with communities in rural areas of Malawi; developing collaborations to tackle dementia globally (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31893025) and working on projects focused on Food Insecurity among Syrian refugees. At the moment I am also working on a project focused on Ethics Integrity and Research Conduct in Complex LMICs in order to define and establish the research culture for best practice through a strong process of co-design and partnership in developing an ethics toolkit.
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About us
A non-profit civil organization, registered in Turkey. It is a network of Syrian academics and experts in Syria and diaspora from different fields including education, food security, livelihoods, sustainable development, social empowermenr and peacebuilding.
Our partners
– The University of Edinburgh, Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Security.
– Cara (the Council for At-Risk Academics)
– University of Kent
– GCRF (Global Challenges Research Fund)
– Re-Aliance
Our services
1. Agricultural calendar
2. Research and Studies
3. Projects Design and Implementation
4. Consultancy and Capacity Building